SHENZHEN, China, Sept. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — SMOORE Technology participated in a meeting with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as a member of the Vapor Technology Association (VTA) alongside the VTA and other industry representatives.

SMOORE, the only Chinese company and the only vaping device manufacturer invited to the meeting, was given the opportunity to address the attendees. Eve Wang, Vice-President of SMOORE Technology, introduced SMOORE’s business to the meeting participants and explained that SMOORE has been supplying the US market with quality vaping devices for over a decade through ODM service to leading brands. Eve also noted that SMOORE has supported many customers to undergo the PMTA review.

SMOORE understands and fully supports the FDA’s mission to protect public health and reduce tobacco use by minors.
SMOORE has been actively pursuing innovation in vaping technologies and making continuous improvements in the manufacturing process so as to improve the quality and safety of vaping products. It is SMOORE’s core belief that innovation and regulation will work in tandem to provide less harmful alternatives to adult smokers whilst reducing tobacco use by minors.